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Bat Mitzvah Application 2024-2025/5785

Please include each Child's Full Name, Jewish Name, and DOB


Tuition is $1,325 for the year plus a $75 Security fee per child
(includes all books and supplies).

$75 partner discount 
$50 pay in full discount
$50 Refer a new family discount

You may choose to pay in full now and receive $50 discount, or pay in 2 installments; at registration and Jan.1, 2025

There will be no refunds for any payments made.

Partner Discount Applied - $75 off

This card will be used for both tuition installments (At checkout and on January 1, 2025). 


Hours: Sunday, 10:00 am – 12:30 pm


Tuition Includes

All workbooks & supplies

Tuition Notices

  • To register, a completed registration form is necessary along with the first installment per child
  • If full payment is not received with registration form, tuition balance will be charged in 2 installments, at registration and on Jannuary 1, 2025
  • There is no credit for absences or days missed.


My child has permission to engage in all programs and activities. Additionally, permission is hereby granted to Chaya Esther Hebrew School to take my child on trips outside of school as part of the regular school program.



Permission is hereby granted to Chaya Esther Hebrew School to use digital, photographic, video and audio images and likenesses of my child/ren in promoting Hebrew School and other ventures associated with Center for Jewish Life.


Medical Release

In the event that I cannot be contacted in an emergency or situation warranting medical attention, I hereby grant permission to Chaya Esther Hebrew School to bring my child/ren to the emergency room and/or give permission to the medical personnel selected by the Hebrew School director to provide routine healthcare.


Dismissal of Student

Chaya Esther Hebrew School reserves the right to dismiss any student whose condition, conduct, influence or behavior is deemed unsatisfactory or detrimental to the best interest of the school, the student or their fellow students. In these instances, no refunds will be issued.


Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785